Social Determinants of Health

Health starts where we live, learn, work, and play (RWJF, 2010). For example, decades of research has shown how opportunities for education, employment, housing, safe neighborhoods, and social connections - in addition to quality healthcare - significantly impact people’s health (Davis et al., 2016). These conditions are often referred to as the social determinants of health.

Effective change efforts simultaneously promote multiple conditions or social determinants of health within a community to meet people’s needs (Prevention Institute, 2015). This also involves removing obstacles that make it harder for some groups to access opportunities for health than others - for example based on their socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, disability status, geographic location, or a combination of these characteristics.

Click on the dropdown bars below to learn more about how to promote the social determinants of health. For information and resources on specific social determinant areas, explore the topics in the sub bar on the right.

An image that lists all of the social determinants of health: Neighborhood and Build Environment, Health and Health Care, Social and Community Context, Education, and Economic stability